Why are my results different than the scan results?
    • 09 Aug 2023
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    Why are my results different than the scan results?

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    Article summary

    To recreate a backtest or the results from the scanner you need to use all settings used in the original backtest including any custom earnings settings, custom dates used, custom deltas, number of contracts, trading fees, stop loss or gain settings, days to expiry and execution fill type.

    As a quick tip, to see the exact settings of a scan, click the scan link, which sets all of your TradeMachine® settings to the same settings as the scan, then you can click through everything one by one to find all the nuances:




    There are a lot of, sometimes subtle, settings in the backtester, such as putting limits or stops on trades, that can have big results on the final strategy.

    Once we get the custom earnings dates, deltas, commissions, execution quality (mid, half-way, etc), start and end dates, etc, the same, the results will be the same as well.

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