Why are the results on the “Create” tab sometimes different from the results on the “Backtest" tab?
    • 15 Oct 2021
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    Why are the results on the “Create” tab sometimes different from the results on the “Backtest" tab?

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    Article summary

    The Create tab's computational summary opens a position and tracks the stock every time a technical trigger is satisfied. That means when one trade is open, another can open simultaneously.

    The Backtest tab only opens a new position after an open position closes.

    This will result in fewer trades on the Backtest tab, but a more rigorous view of the actual trading strategy.

    You can view the trade details for either section by clicking on the back-test summar tile:

    On the Create tab, that looks like this in the right hand column:

    On the Backtest tab, that looks like this:

    If you click either of the above tiles, a details dialog box will open to display every trade in the back-test:


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