Navigating the ProScan Tab
    • 16 Jul 2024
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    Navigating the ProScan Tab

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    This discusses the ProScan Tab and how to navigate through all of the included features of it.

    When you first access the ProScan tab, the top left of the screen allows you to select a ticker group of interest, and by default, the tab scans by strategy. You can also switch to scan by ticker. The available strategies are listed on the left-hand side, offering a range of choices. The tab incorporates settings that prevent trading during earnings events unless specified otherwise, ensuring that trading is tailored to specific conditions.

    The strategies available in the ProScan tab are grouped broadly, with some focusing on general market conditions, while others target earnings events or post-earnings momentum. If you need more information about a specific strategy, many of those are detailed on the Learn tab. The tab also offers pre-earnings strategies that capitalize on the optimism preceding earnings releases, allowing users to benefit from potential trends or volatility increases.

    The ProScan tab provides several sorting and filtering options, such as sorting by win rates or average returns. Users can also filter based on timeframes or set specific criteria like minimum win rates or average trade returns. The alert column indicates which strategies are currently active, allowing you to view instant backtests or set alerts for specific conditions.

    In addition to filtering by strategy, you can also filter by ticker. This enables you to focus on particular stocks and their associated strategies, applying the same filters as before.

    Overall, the ProScan tab offers robust functionality for scanning, testing, and setting alerts for various trading strategies and portfolio configurations, making it a valuable tool for investors looking to refine their trading approaches.

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